Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Two things led to this piece being created. First and most important. I found out that some art reps will consider unpublished artist. One of those such reps likes to see not only color work but also your pencil art and pen and ink images.
The other influence is the "5 Pencil Method", I still don't remember how I came across it, but it suggest that you use 4h, 2h, hb, 2b, and 4b pencils and certain paper ect. In the past I would use mostly just an hb pencil because I planned to paint on top of it. The funny thing is I have not actually gone through the lessons and this piece of art does not reflect the 5 Pencil system at all. I did however broaden my pencil use and cut my drwing time down in the process.

I believe that I lost my bright whites, but without my electric eraser I am kind of stuck with what you see. I also used watercolor paper even though i do not play to paint it. I know that I could push the darks a little more which I might eventually do once I get that electric eraser.

As usual feel free to leave comments.


Tobreth said...

what is an electric eraser? and could this stop requiring me to do word verification for each comment?

arthur norcome said...

I have no clue how to eliminate the word verification thing. Are you singed into your good account when you leave comments?

An electric eraser is a battery powered eraser. like a hand held drill with an eraser as a bit.